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Book Now

How To Use

Step 1. Contact us

Contact us via telephone on 050-5530-1278, Line, WeChat, or WhatsApp or online web chat to make a reservation.

Step 2. Finalize your appointment

To make a booking the following details from you. • Companion Choice • Additional Services • Hotel Location, Booking Name and Room Number (To confirm you are actually there!) • Delivery Instructions e.g Meet in Lobby * If residence or AirBnB a contactable phone number is required / in cases where one cannot be provided full payment for your session will be required before delivery*

Step 3. Rendezvous

If no specific delivery instruction is given your companion of choice will come directly to your hotel room. * Please be in your room at the time of delivery at all times unless otherwise instructed *

Step 4. Commencement of service

Service time will start once she has arrived in your room and confirmed the payment in full for you session.* * Please feel free to ask our companions for additional services or extensions during your session *

The contents you are about to view are not for minors.

This website is for use solely by adults over the age of 18 and may not be accessed by anyone who is younger than 18 years old.

Visiting this website if you are under 18 years of age may be prohibited by countries or local laws. Please note that we shall not be responsible for any loss, damages and trouble.

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